Sandra DeSano Pezzullo (b.1963) paints in the medium of oil and her subject matter focuses on the New England Landscape. Inspired by the 19th century American Tonalism movement, and with her predominately greyed down palette she paints landscapes that are described as atmospheric realism thick with passion and emotion. A native New Englander, she is inspired not just by our beautiful landscape here in the North East but also by the way it is effected by light, the change of a season and by our diverse weather and in turn how this effects us spiritually and emotionally. “It is out in Nature where I feel that every part of myself is most alive and when I am here, unmoving, I am aware of the pulse or beating heart of the natural world around me. It exists in the calm before the storm and in the smell of snow, the sting of wind driven sleet and in the glimmer of a morning’s glow on the horizon. It is experienced through the tinted veils of atmosphere draped over a familiar place, and in a transient cast of light. It is at the ocean’s edge where I taste the salty air and hear the rhythmic sound of a distant fog horn penetrating the night or the clanging of a buoy bell as it’s tossed about haphazardly on the ocean’s foam. And I am aware of it deep within the steadfastness of granite under my boot on a mountain summit. This is the power of nature, Her heartbeat, Her pulse, and this is where my painting begins.”
Sandra has studied extensively in nature as well as the methods of the masters through museums and books, and under the tutelage of notable artist Dennis Sheehan as well as self taught through experimentation in the studio.