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NEW! Painting Expressive Skies in the Landscape w/ Eric JacobsenDate: April 12 & 13, 2025Time: 9am-4pmPrice: $325Artist: Eric JacobsenWebsite: classRegister ClassView Calendar
NEW! Painting Rocks & Water at Jackson Falls w/ Tom Hughes (oil, acrylic or watercolor)Date: July 19-20, 2025Time: 9am-4pmPrice: $325Artist: Tom HughesWebsite: classRegister ClassView Calendar
NEW! INTERNATIONAL TRIP- PAINTING PORTUGAL: A Palette of Landscapes, Flavors & CultureDate: Oct 23-30,2025Price: $3,995-EarlyBird Price Per Person/Double Occupancy Room, $4,495-EarlyBird Price Single Occupancy Room, 7 nights Artist: Melanie Barash LevittView classRegister ClassView Calendar