Artist Entry Form:

Please submit this form in entirety including payment of fee.

Mailing Address (where you want payment sent)

Please submit a minimum of one piece of artwork that will be in the show. This will be used for advertising purposes. You can submit up to three images. These will be shared on social media and in printed materials. *PLEASE NOTE: THIS IMAGE CANNOT BE BIGGER THAN 3MB OR IT WILL NOT UPLOAD.

Artwork #1 (mandatory)

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(max size 3mb)

Artwork #2

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(max size 3mb)

Artwork #3

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(max size 3mb)
  • NOTE: Jackson Art “Working Artists” will received their regular commission rate as long as they are able to work during the show weekend. Otherwise they will be considered a “Non-Working Artist” for the duration of the show and their commission rate will be as such.
  • OTHER ARTISTS: All other artists will receive 55% of their sales. If Artists are contacted directly to purchase their work that was displayed in the show, the Artist is required to have that sale go through The Gallery. This does not apply to reproductions or multiple copies of work or fine craft.


Jackson Art Studio & Gallery is not responsible for loss, fire, burglary, or any other damage to artwork in the show. Submitting and displaying work in the show implies an agreement on the part of the artist with the conditions set forth above. Images in show may be used for publicity, advertising, or other purposes..

Clear Signature