My mother gave birth to me twice. In 1960 she gave birth to a baby, and in 2016, she gave birth to an artist.
I lived my first 56 years believing I had no artistic ability. In 2016, while visiting my parents, a rainy day left us searching for an activity. My mother, a lifelong hobby painter, suggested painting, and I reluctantly agreed. My first painting was far from a masterpiece, but I immediately appreciated the meditative and focused experience. Upon my return home, I bought some paints of my own.
Thanks to the generosity of my teachers and harnessing the same drive that I used to get through Medical School and my training and career as an Obstetrician/Gynecologist, I have created the most extraordinary life as a painter. I have enjoyed the warm camaraderie of the wonderful community of artists I have met., and I have been given the gift of seeing our beautiful world through the eyes of an artist.
From the start, I found myself drawn strongly to paintings that convey a strong sense of light and shadow. My work has explored this, both in the landscape, and increasingly in still life.
I continue to work as a physician, though in the last couple of years part time, which allows me more time to paint. No one is more surprised than I am at the course my life has taken, and I give thanks every day for the rainy day that led to me to thismost treasured discovery